Sunday, January 11, 2015

Natural Melasma Cures

If your skin color is brown, obviously your melasma will be more prominent. You've tried various skin bleaching products that promise to eliminate melasma. However, you're not happy with the long time length to see results. If you prefer holistic melasma cures, the best option in my opinion is plant- based. And you get to save more.

If you're thinking of using fruits to reduce melasma naturally, try grape seed extract. It contains high level of proanthocyanidins, which has shown its effectiveness in lightening melasma when it is used as a dietary supplement.
GSE is effective in reducing the hyperpigmentation of women with chloasma. The beneficial effects of GSE was maximally achieved after 6 months and these was no further improvement after this period. The latter GSE intake for 5 months may stop chloasma from becoming worse prior to the summer season.
Full report: 

Make your own mask by mixing brown sugar, coconut milk, nutmeg and clove essential oil. Here is why it should work. 

Brown sugar is high in glycolic acid, which is known to improve melasma and often found in pricey chemical peels for that very reason. Coconut milk is high in lactic acid, another great way to treat melasma. Clove essential oil is well-known in the homeopathic community for balancing hormones and it won't cause further pigmentation issues when applied topically.
Read more at 

At times, making your own home remedies can be inconvenient for you. Alternatively, you can use botanical-based melasma creams such as Meladerm. I've spotted an informative review composed by AudreyAdams. I'm surprised that there are 10 strong lightening agents in Meladerm. It can fade melasma because it inhibits tyrosinase activity and deter the transfer of melanosomes from melanocytes to the keratinocytes. For complete information on Meladerm fade cream, please check out AudreyAdams.

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